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2016 Annual Scholarship Brunch
Melodies In Blue
October 8, 2016
10:00 am -Vendors Market
11:00 am - Brunch
Emory Conference Center and Hotel
1615 Clifton Road, Atlanta, GA 30329
2016 Annual Scholarship Brunch Donation Option
2016 Annual Scholarship Brunch Ticket Options
Individual Blue ($103.00)
* One seat for each purchased ticket.
* Cost includes PayPal processing fee
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2016 Annual Scholarship Brunch Sponsorship Levels
Sapphire Blue ($50,000)
* Three reserved tables with priority seating for thirty (30).
* Corporate representative to provide remarks at event.
* Company or image in the souvenir program with priority placement.
* Verbal recognition at the event.
* Llisting on Regonition Page in the souvenir program.
* Table Name place card at the event.
* Cost includes PayPal processing fee
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